Let us use a member of Congress as our example for the Common Sense Public Forum.   Staff members of your Common Sense Public Servant in Congress will process each issue, law or bill and deliver it in a clear, concise, and easily understood way.

Each person in the district will be registered in the Common Sense Public Forum, a safe and secure service that lets the American People cast their vote on the issues in their areas. In doing so, you will be contacted by a method of your choosing; e-mail, phone, or mail. Every time there is a new issue up for vote, you will receive all the necessary information to be informed on the issue, and can then cast your vote.

If you are being called on the phone, the computer will call you and explain the new issue or bill.  You can take your time to form your opinion, then call back and cast your vote.  If it is e-mailed or mailed to you, you can read all the information and cast your vote.

Once everyone in the district has received the information, had time to form an opinion on the issue, and has casted their vote to the Public Forum, the Common Sense Public Servant will then look at the results. Whichever side has the majority in the district will win the vote. The Public Servant has no more vote than the average citizen; their vote is only 1 out of the 600,000 people they represent.  If 51% vote yes, then the Common Sense Public Servant would vote yes. 

We have millions of people in this country that have great ideas on how we could run this nation more efficiently and effectively.  The Common Sense Party wants to take advantage of this countries greatest asset, the American People.  If you have an idea about a law or a policy, you can submit it to your elected Common Sense Public Servant and they can then submit it to the Public Forum.

There are over 300 million people out there, 300 million ideas that will make this a better country.  Only by working together can we help save our nation. 

All it takes is a little Common Sense.